Dream EngineBuild algorithms that design things2017 - present design 2d generative javascript AWS ML | GigaDrawFront End for DreamEngine's API2017 - present AI design 2D Vectors Javascript ReactJS Node |
shdrDebug glsl fragment shaders on the CPU2017 - present glsl javascript openGL webGL | Algorithmic Design EngineUse algorithms to create 2D vector art2016 - present algorithms vectors 2d art |
VastBuild Your Own VR and AR experiences2015 - 2016 vr 3d oculus | ocean-wifi-jsControl WiFi on Ocean Devices2015 wifi node javascript |
Ocean MDMOcean Mobile Device Management Software2015 node react postgres | Ocean OSCustom OS for Ocean devices2014 - 2016 linux c embedded hardware c++ a20 |
OceanA mobile computing platform2014 - 2016 linux c c++ bluetooth wifi os hardware | VR Music PlayerExperience music in VR2014 VR c++ oculus openGL |
difontA general purpose openGL font rendering library2014 - present fonts truetype opentype freetype opengl c++ | League of ShadowsiOS and Android Game2012 - 2013 ios android playcomo c++ c objective-c node js |
Little DragonsA game for iOS and Android2012 ios android c++ | Pet FairiOS and Android game2010 - 2011 ios android playcomo c++ c objective-c |
CDK Game EngineGame Engine For PlayCoMo Games2010 - 2013 c++ ios android java objective-c mixpanel aws parse nodejs | PlayCoMoMobile App Game Studio2010 - 2013 |
MadBrixA puzzle game for iOS2010 c++ ios objective-c physics hdk | SmashedPhysics Game for iOS2009 C++ iOS OpenGL Objective C |
Digital PaintingPortraits with a tablet and Photoshop2009 photoshop tablet portraits painting | FTGLESOpenGL Font Rendering for iOS and Android2009 - present opentype truetype c++ fonts opengl-es |
HDK v1A game engine for developing 2.5d physics games.2009 - present C++ iOS OpenGL Objective C | HackDirt GamesMobile Game Development Studio2009 - 2010 |